YesBC, and it’s driving force, Judy Fainstein, provided myself and many other young climate activists with an extremely powerful climate action tool: community. YesBC events connected us with environmental organizations, and other youth who were passionate about climate justice and sustainability. And from that other youth initiatives and programs continued to grow. I started as an attendee at YesBC’s youth climate action summits and over the years became involved as a workshop presenter, volunteer and youth organizer. YesBC provided support for other climate initiatives that youth went on to organize themselves – including mentorship, connecting us with funding, and organizing tool kits. The connections I made through YesBC programming are connections in the climate community I maintain to this day, and was ultimately the instigator for pursuing a career in environmental law. Thank you YesBC!

Caitlin Stockwell

Lawyer at First Peoples Law LLP

YesBC and Judy Fainstein have had a profound impact on my life. My first involvement with YesBC was a student field trip to the Avatar Grove Grove in Port Renfrew, it opened my eyes to the important role I had as a student activist advocating for student voice and environmental stewardship in our communities. YesBC opened the door for students like me to find my voice and collaborate with others like minded who are looking to fight for a more sustainable and inclusive world. I am incredibly thankful to Judy and YesBC for all they have done to support me and can’t wait to hear about all they will be doing in the future.

Ravi Parmar

Member of the Legislative Assembly of BC, Langford - Juan de Fuca

I first got involved with YesBC when I was in high school and attended the YesBC Climate Action Summit and Off the Grid Music Festival. I was there with hundreds of other students who were given outstanding leadership and learning opportunities. I loved being surrounded by youth who shared a passion for the environment and by people who were there to support and inspire our passions. We came from many different schools and had a chance to engage with each other and build relationships.  I have followed the progress of YesBC and I love the new initiative “Bridging Generations”.  We need all generations working together to face the worlds’ challenges and YesBC is well positioned to deliver quality programs and elevate the voices of young people.

Abbey Piazza

Business Owner/Consultant

Piazza Rosa

YesBC and Judy Fainstein have established a remarkable event for youth in our communities with the Off the Grid Festival and Youth Summit.  It is amazing to see our young people demonstrate the passion and energy for creating a better environmental focus in our world through the leadership of Judy and many other inspirational leaders.

Troy Harris

Belmont Secondary Teacher

Founder, Canadian World Education Society 

The YesBC Youth Summit and Off the Grid Festival is a terrific experience for students!  It is full of hope while at the same time providing real and important information about the future of our planet and the need to do something about it.  The Summit and Festival "walk the talk" by encouraging biking and busing to the event, walking from the summit to the festival and having a renewable energy source power the Festival sound system for the music.  Food is sourced through a company trying to do the right thing and waste is recycled.


Students views are respected and their voice is encouraged as they have opportunities to engage with a panel of distinguished guests.  It is extremely hopeful to hear some politicians speaking frankly and truthfully about what changes need to occur.  Students leave with tools and inspiration from the various workshops to make a difference.


It is amazing that this event is offered Free.  This is something that we want students to attend and removing a financial barrier is huge.  I hope it continues in the future.

Heather Coey

Reynolds Secondary Teacher

This was a fantastic experience. It was inspiring to see how our class worked together. I will always remember it as a highlight of my grade 12 year.

OTG2014 was a huge success in my opinion. This event was the first time where I played a role in the organization and planning of the event, which provided me with many useful skills. I learned how to plan, organize and work as a team. My participation included completing the event sustainability plan and policy, running the Haliburton Adventure workshop and setting up the music festival. I always wanted to know how to create a policy, so when the opportunity came up, I had to take it. Hopefully, this event continues to grow so the kids of today know the challenges of tomorrow.

I thought the Climate Summit and the Off the Grid Festival were amazing. All of the IGS students were engaged and worked very hard. I really enjoyed hearing from the amazing speakers like Andrew Weaver and Dean Murdock who impressed me how they are taking action against climate change. The Festival was awesome and the bands and the bikes were really fun.

There is no doubt in my mind that the “Off the Grid” Festival was a huge success. In fact, this is my first experience belonging to a group where we have been entrusted to organize such an important event. I was quite pleased with my own participation, as I felt like I was able to utilize some of my own personal strengths to help benefit the team. For example, I have always loved public speaking and this event gave me many opportunities to develop that skill (I gave a presentation to Saanich City Council and led a workshop).

We pulled of an amazingly successful youth summit! I got the chance to video and interview students to create a documentary, which I am working on. Our hard worked paid off and the feedback at the event was all very positive. All the participants were taking something unique, yet still very important from the experience.

Thanks to YesBC, we were able to work on something that made a huge difference in our lives. It was really cool seeing how engaged the kids were in the presentations and all their ideas flowing together.

My Involvement with YesBC over the last four years has been a great experience for me. It has allowed me to make connections with other like minded, positive people who are thinking about and taking action around environmental stewardship. I have particularly enjoyed the events such as “Off the Grid”.I have continued to be involved each year since 2009 because of the great difference and change I can help make in young people’s choices and awareness about the environment.

Claremont Secondary Institute for Global Solutions students

4th Annual YesBC Youth Climate Action Summit and Off the Grid Music Festival