YesBC presents What About Our Future and Bridging Generations discussion
The event was led by YesBC (Youth for Environmental Stewardship) in partnership with Climate Reality Canada and Story Money Impact. YesBC has been co-creating an initiative called ‘Bridging Generations’, with working groups of young people from across Canada who have guided the development of the program. We intend to make space for young voices to be heard and amplified.
Eric Novak
Hundreds of high school students from around Vancouver Island gathered on the campus of Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC for the 2013 edition of the YES BC Youth Summit.
YESBC (Youth for Environmental Stewardship) video 2013
YesBC - 2013 Off the Grid Festival
Highlights of the 2013 Off the Grid Festival, which is organized by YesBC.
Asia-Pacific Youth Forum 2013, Nepal
Dhaka Tribune
YesBC had the distinct honour of being invited to give a presentation and participate in a youth conference at ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development) in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Asia-Pacific Youth Forum brough together 45 young people from 15 countries for workshops, expert panels and presentations on projects they were undertaking. ICIMOD initiated the youth forum, recognizing the importance of youth voices and participation in relation to sustainable development and the challenges facing the mountain regions.
Off the Grid Festival Promises to be Off the Hook
Goldstream News Gazette
Human and Solar to Power Up the Sound Stage at this Youth-Driven Event at Fort Road Hill National Historic Site.
Fort Rodd Music Fest Powered by Sun, People
Times Colonist
Off the Grid Music Festival featuring performances by Mindil Beach Markets, The Archers, Fir Cone, AdHoc and Ironside.
Robert Bateman YesBC Youth Climate Action Summit May 25 2012
Royal Roads University
Elizabeth May YesBC Youth Climate Action Summit May 25 2012
Royal Roads University
YesBC Youth Climate Action Summit/Off the Grid Festival 2012
Documentary of Year 2 of YesBC’s signature youth-driven event “Off the Grid Festival” and Greater Victoria Youth Climate Action Summit.
Goldstream News Gazette
Part youth summit and part environmental party, Greater Victoria students will flood into Langford for an “off the grid” sustainability conference and music festival in April.
Off the Grid Music & Art Festival Event
Focus Magazine
YesBC has organized the first Greater Victoria Youth Climate Action Summit and Off the Grid Music and Art Festival by closely drawing on the insights and opinions of regional senior secondary school students.
Celebrating Environmental Stewardship Among Youth
News Vancouver Island
News Story covering YesBC’s Off the Grid Festival and Youth Climate Action Summit
Off the Grid Festival (A partnership with YesBC!)
FUN Society BC
FUN Society partnered with YesBC to help put on this awesome event for high school students from all around the CRD!
OFF the GRID video doc YesBC
Victoria scientists and climate change activists took part in a world-wide phenomenon as part of Al Gore’s latest project to draw attention to the climate crisis. It was part of a full day event called “24 Hours of Reality” in which experts in every time zone broadcast the reality of the climate crisis.
Your Island News: December 7, 2011
CTV Victoria
A compilation of other Vancouver Island news stories aired on CTV News at 5, 6, and Vancouver Island Report on Wednesday December 7, 2011
Victoria Youth Connect with Youth in Durban, South Africa
CTV Vancouver Island News
High school students in Victoria, BC had a rare opportunity to speak with students in Durban, South Africa via Skype. They talked about climate change and the UN climate conference taking place in Durban. They even managed to talk about rugby, beaches and other topics of interest to teenagers!
Young Victoria Delegates at Climate Conference in Durban, South Africa (pdf)
Times Colonist, Victoria, BC
UBC Res Sustainability Conference
“Refresh, Rethink, Renew” conference held at Marine Drive residences at UBC
Climate Change Issues Resonate with Youth
News Vancouver Island
Claremont High School students plant trees and stand in solidarity with Youth in Copenhagen at United Nations Climate Change Conference