YesBC Young Speaker Series 2023

Our YesBC Young Speaker Series launched November 17, 2023 at Brentwood College School in Mill Bay, BC. 140 Students and teachers from 6 schools on Southern Vancouver Island gathered for a session that was planned, hosted and executed by students from Brentwood College with mentoring from YesBC. Presentations by students were followed by an intergenerational panel, that included Member of Parliament for Malahat-Cowichan-Langford, Alistair MacGregor.

YesBC Youth Climate Action Summit and Off the Grid Festival 2015

Year 5 of our signature youth-driven event, held at Oak Bay High School on April 23, 2015.

photos by TJ Watt

YesBC Youth Climate Action Summit and Off the Grid Festival 2014

Year 4 of our signature youth-driven event, held at Claremont Secondary on April 17, 2014.

photos by TJ Watt

YesBC Youth Climate Action Summit and Off the Grid Festival 2013

Year 3 of our signature youth-driven event, held at Royal Roads University and Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site May 24, 2013.

photos by TJ Watt

YesBC in Nepal 2013

YesBC had the distinct honour of being invited to give a presentation and participate in a youth conference at ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development) in Kathmandu, Nepal. ICIMOD is an intergovernmental knowledge and learning centre working on behalf of the people of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH). ICIMOD has 8 regional member countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan.


The Asia-Pacific Youth Forum brought together 45 young people from 15 countries for workshops, expert panels and presentations on projects they were undertaking. ICIMOD initiated the youth forum, recognizing the importance of youth voices and participation in relation to sustainable development and the challenges facing the mountain regions.

ICIMOD Youth Initiative Coordinator Tek Jung Mahat concluded the forum by saying: “Working with the youth always gives us happiness. Carry the knowledge, share your experiences, talk to policy makers, talk about the future you want.”


ICIMOD Director General Dr David Molden said: “Many people address the youth as the future leaders. Why the future? No, you are not the future leaders. Tomorrow never comes. You are the leaders of today.”

YesBC Youth Climate Action Summit and Off the Grid Festival 2012

Year 2 of our signature youth-driven event, held at Royal Roads University and Fort Rodd Hill May 25, 2012.

photos by TJ Watt, Brian van Wyk, Dez May and Matt Beasley

YesBC Youth Climate Action Summit and Off the Grid Festival 2011

The Youth Climate Action Summit was a youth-driven, regional event, where schools throughout the Capital Regional District had an opportunity to showcase their climate action successes, share their stories and celebrate Earth Day 2011 as a vibrant and growing youth culture of conservation. The backdrop for the Youth Summit was the Off the Grid Music and Art Festival, featuring emerging local talent and the headliner music act Jon and Roy.

photos by TJ Watt and Cam Gray

24 Hours of Reality

Climate Reality Project "24 Hours of Reality" event held at the First Peoples House, University of Victoria on September 14, 2011.

Avatar Grove Photo Safari 2011

Hike through the Avatar Grove with TJ Watt from the Ancient Forest Alliance. During Spring Break just before Off the Grid 2011.

photos by TJ Watt

Land Stewardship at Royal Oak Middle School

Native species planting in Garry Oak grove.

Nashville TCP conferences with Al Gore